
News, Press and Industry Updates from Cohen IP Law Group

Determining who qualifies as an inventor for the purposes of a patent application is a pivotal question with far-reaching implications.

Understanding the Role of ‘Inventor’ in Patent Applications Under California IP Law

Determining who qualifies as an inventor for the purposes of a patent application is a pivotal question with far-reaching implications. According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), an inventor is defined as the individual or group of individuals contributing to the conception of the invention outlined in a patent application. This definition…

Recently, trademark squatting on cannabis-related brands has accelerated, particularly in brands that work with suppliers or sell items in China.

For Trademark Squatters, Cannabis Brands Provide New Territory

Trademark squatting is an old problem. However, as new products enter the market, this old problem finds new forms of expression.  Recently, trademark squatting on cannabis-related brands has accelerated, particularly in brands that work with suppliers or sell items in China.  What is Trademark Squatting? Trademark squatting occurs when one party registers a trademark while…

One way to accelerate a design patent examination is to file a Rocket Docket request.

Accelerating Innovation: Design Patent Expedited Examination with Rocket Docket

In the fast-paced world of innovation, every moment counts. For inventors and businesses seeking to protect their unique designs, time is of the essence. What can one do, though, if the patent process threatens to drag on for months? Enter Rocket Docket, a program that aims to expedite examination for design patent applications. The United…

When you’re a creator and an employee, challenges can arise. Who owns your intellectual property - you or your employer?

Employee/Employer Intellectual Property Disputes

If you’re like millions of Californians, you work. And, if you’re like millions of Californians, you have interests and projects that overlap with your work. You may be inventing new processes or products in your field of expertise. You may spend your free time on writing, music, artwork, or other forms of expression. Or you…

Senate Bill 58 (“SB 58”) is landmark legislation that would make certain psychedelic drugs legal for recreational use. What this means for those interested in obtaining IP rights to various substances and strains remains to be seen, but it is certainly something to keep an eye on.

IP Considerations if California Legalizes Psychedelic Drugs

It’s been a few years now since California legalized recreational possession of marijuana. However, despite the fact that it’s been more than a decade since recreational users could “light up,” intellectual property laws surrounding cannabis have been slow to follow. Notwithstanding the uncertainty of the legal landscape surrounding cannabis IP, there appears to be another…

The digital age has ushered in many technological advancements, radically transforming industries and societal norms. As a result, patent law, a guardian of innovation and intellectual property, faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

The Evolution of Patent Law in the Digital Age: Navigating New Frontiers in Intellectual Property

The digital age has ushered in many technological advancements, radically transforming industries and societal norms. As a result, patent law, a guardian of innovation and intellectual property, faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Traditional patent law principles, established in an era when inventions were tangible and often mechanical, are now being tested by the intangible, rapidly…

The advent of social media and the explosion of e-commerce have rewritten the rules of brand engagement and protection.

Navigating the New Terrain of Trademarks in Social Media and E-Commerce

In the vibrant city of Los Angeles, where innovation meets creativity, the realm of trademark law is undergoing a significant transformation. The advent of social media and the explosion of e-commerce have rewritten the rules of brand engagement and protection. For businesses and individuals in LA’s dynamic landscape, understanding these changes is key to successfully…

Since Boise State registered its trademark blue turf, other colleges, universities, and even some US high schools have sought to change the colors of their own turf. Most of these schools have discussed their plans with Boise Stateーbut one school, SUNY Morrisville, is breaking with convention in a way that may trigger a trademark showdown.

SUNY Morrisville Tests Boise State’s Common-Law Trademark Theory on Colorful Turf

In 1986, Boise State University broke with football convention by installing bright blue turf on its football field. The school’s now-famous “smurf turf” received federal trademark protection in 2011. Since Boise State registered its trademark blue turf, other colleges, universities, and even some US high schools have sought to change the colors of their own…


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